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Grace Ge
Aug 31, 2022
The perfect time for your next job opportunity?
Are you ready to take your chance in the dutch labour market? Now is your chance to get a new job or know your value in your career

Grace Ge
Aug 3, 2022
🗺️ What's your career "Google Maps"?
What is your career map? In this post post, I share three tips on how to get the best out of yourself and your career

Grace Ge
Jul 1, 2022
What's your next career step?
I'm happy to share two important interview tips for interviewing in the Netherlands, as I've gotten a lot of interview questions lately

Grace Ge
May 28, 2022
☀️Summer, Dream Jobs & Pregnancy
Hey friends, It's been quite some time since my last letter to you. There were a lot of things that have changed in the past period,...

Grace Ge
Mar 17, 2022
💌 A Spring Letter From Grace
I share a few important lessons from two of my recent coachees who found their dream job in the Netherlands

Grace Ge
Sep 28, 2021
How Dao (道) & Shu (术) Can Help You In Your Job Search
One of the questions I've been asked the most during all free career coaching sessions is: "What do you mean to land my dream job?" For...

Grace Ge
Aug 17, 2021
What Makes A CV (Resume) Outstanding?
An outstanding CV or resume is crucial in landing your professional dream job. It's so important for a few reasons. First, it determines...

Grace Ge
Aug 13, 2021
Repositioning Yourself In The Dutch Labour Market
A lot of people keep getting rejected in their job search and they might think it's because of their CV or because they don't speak...

Grace Ge
Jul 30, 2021
What Does Your Career Mean To You?
When I first started coaching others many years ago, I thought that the most important reason for getting a job was money (at least for a...

Grace Ge
Jul 17, 2021
Your Job Search As A Professional Project
Finding your next job can be hard & messy. Applying tens or even hundreds of times, hearing back from some, tracking responses and...

Grace Ge
Jun 12, 2021
5 Reasons Why It Is So Important To Understand A Job Description
Finding your dream job isn’t easy. To engage recruiters and companies, you should think about your approach and stay focused. If people...

Grace Ge
May 12, 2021
Finding Your Passion
"It sounds like you are selling me to the company." "No, I'm helping you to sell yourself better." This is part of a conversation I had...

Grace Ge
Apr 13, 2021
Quality Versus Quantity
One of my coachees/students decides to apply for jobs in which he has no industry background and no related experiences. 🌟 He applied to...

Grace Ge
Mar 19, 2021
Whose Fault Is It When You Cannot Get A Job In The Netherlands?
I talk to different candidates who are struggling in their job-seeking process. When I ask them " Why do you think you did not get a job...

Grace Ge
Feb 16, 2021
Losing Confidence In Your Job Search?
Tons of rejections, or sending all applications without response feels like talking to a "blackhole". Getting rejected is not about "You...

Grace Ge
Dec 17, 2020
5 Steps To Help You Land Your Dream Job
After talking to 500+ job-seeking expats in the Netherlands, I realized people are really struggling. But job seeking shouldn't be that...

Grace Ge
Nov 19, 2020
What Makes You Extraordinary?
My coachee Busisiwe told me she's an ordinary person when we first talked. The reality is that she is ANYTHING but ordinary!! She kept...

Grace Ge
Oct 21, 2020
Feeling Stuck ...
Do you ever feel STUCK in your job? You're just kind of there, doing your daily routine. But you're not really living in the MOMENT. You...

Grace Ge
Sep 24, 2020
Want An Easy Job With A 150K+ Salary?
What if I told you that you don't even have to go through a painful, lengthy job process to get the job? Like, you know, sending in your...

Grace Ge
Aug 24, 2020
How Long Does It Take To Find Your Dream Job?
One of my coachees experienced this recently: 💥 Getting laid off because of a company re-organization. 📲 Getting contacted by...

Grace Ge
Jun 17, 2020
Queen's Gambit: When Talent Meets A Life-Changing Coach
I followed 'The Queen's Gambit' on Netflix. An orphan girl met a structure's janitor and started her passionate journey with the game of...

Grace Ge
May 14, 2020
Feeling like the job search is too hard?
”The job searching is so hard! I can't make it!" I heard this from one job seeker who reserved my free coach session. I feel so HURT when...

Grace Ge
Apr 14, 2020
Everything Seemed Perfect In My Executive MBA Study Until ...
Most people will associate Executive MBA with high intelligent candidates, hard-core study, and a great career afterward. Well, I want to...
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